A Traditional Presbyterian Church Worship Service Featuring Choral and Organ Music
about the service
We worship through reading the Word (the Bible), preaching the Word, spoken and unspoken prayer, and music sung and offered in joyful praise.
Organ Music
Sing Popular Traditional Hymns
Accompanied by the Organ
Traditional Worship
A Traditional Presbyterian
Church Worship Service
Time For God's Children
Bring the Kids to Experience a
Children's Sermon and Chapel
Your worship experience is further enhanced by the participation of the Chancel Choir, various children's and youth choirs, soloists, and the Grace Notes, our handbell choir.

Each service includes a Children's Sermon followed by Children's Worship which includes a creative Bible story and a special activity for each age group.

Should children require special needs such as disposable diapers, formula, or foods, parents are asked to bring these in a small travel bag, clearly marked with the child's name.
Want to worship with us?
Our worship schedule includes two Sunday morning services in the Sanctuary: the first service at 9:00 (Wekiva Alive) and the second service at 11:00 (Traditions). While we appreciate our heritage, we are not stodgy—our inspiring music and worship reflect the living church in every age, including today. Wekiva celebrates communion on the first Sunday of even-number months and there are many other special worship events throughout the year. Special services include Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise Service, Thanksgiving Eve (an Ecumenical Service held jointly with five area churches) and three services on Christmas Eve.